Unfocused or Focused & Steadfast

Psalm 108 1:4 “My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul. 2 Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. 3 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. 4 For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.”

As we walk down these last few days before celebrating our Lord’s birth, where do you find your heart? Is it wondering constantly from isle to isle with only this earth and the things you must get done weighing it down?
Do you find yourself looking for reasons not to read his word, not to go to church? I mean you have things to do right?

We are a fickle lot, we can so easily get distracted by the things of this world, weighted with to do list, problems, selfishness even. Yes, it is the most giving time of the year, and yes we celebrate or should celebrate the greatest gift of all, Jesus; but do we?

Our hearts should be steadfast, in season and out of season. We should have our hearts so full of Jesus throughout the year that we have no misstep during the season celebrating his birth. We need to be grounded in the word, so when life comes at us full force we are immovable. When the business of the season or of just living life pushes in on us, we seek out the Lord, we take time to crawl in his lap and just be.

We need fellowship on a regular basis with the Lord and with other believers. This is what keeps us steadfast, moving forward, walking each day with a full heart and a clear mind. The devil does not have to use horrible tactics to steal our minds and hearts away from the Lord, he just uses every day seemingly innocent things to keep us bogged down and unsettled. He knows he cannot steal our salvation, we are marked with an eternal seal for the Lord and heaven bound, but if he can keep us from digging deeper and make our hearts wander to and fro, he will do it and consider it a great win.

We need to set Jesus always before our day, we need to exalt his name and praise him before anything else happens in our day. When we purpose to put him first all else will fall into place. Our minds will be more settled our hearts more focused. He loves us, that baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger was the King of Glory our salvation with tiny hands and feet. His loved moved him from heavens halls to an earthly stall. He is faithful and good. He has marked out each of our paths through this dry and weary land in which we find ourselves passing through. Every good or bad thing directed by his loving heart.

This Jesus born in a stable has seen us safely into this world and will one day see us safely out of this world into the paradise he has for us. Take the time to give him a little of your time. Get your heart and mind fixed and focused on the true reason we celebrate this holiday. Be the steadfast people he has called us to be shining your light into a dark world so others may see and wonder at what it is that sets you apart, makes you look different.

Sing and make merry as you go through this time of year, hearts lifted high in praise to the one who has redeemed you. I promise when you do you will float through this season on a different level. You will feel the power of the Holy Spirit in even the mundane of life. Others will see the light that is in you, and maybe just that will be enough to brighten their day!

Blessings to you as you celebrate our Lord and as your heart becomes steadfast immovable when the everydayness of life tries to sweep you away : )